Our latest campaign for Dream Foundation to show how the smallest donations can add up to make a final dream come true for a terminally-ill adult. Creative idea from Harrison/Star.
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Dreams Add Up
Our latest campaign for Dream Foundation to show how the smallest donations can add up to make a final dream come true for a terminally-ill adult. Creative idea from Harrison/Star.
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Dreams Add Up
We would like to send a big congratulations to our beloved clients and talented agencies, Chupa Chups and Cheil Worldwide Hong Kong, KFC and Ogilvy Hong Kong. Thank you very much for the great partnership and full support.
Visit these campaign with full credits
A Sweet Escape
KFC Hot & Spicy
with incredible wins of 2 GOLD 8 SILVER 2 BRONZE and 5 FINALIST
Huge congratulations to our lovely clients, Freeland Foundation, Simple Green, LEGO, Lineman, Big Trees Project, The Wild Animal Rescue Foundation of Thailand (WARF) and awesome partners, Ogilvy Bangkok, The Leo Burnett Group Thailand and TBWA\Thailand. Thank you very much for the great award-winning opportunities and always trust in our hand.